Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, ease seasonal stress, or simply feel more energized, acupuncture is a proven way to support your health and well-being throughout the winter months.
Read MoreAt our acupuncture clinic, we're always on the lookout for new research that supports the holistic health practices we offer. Recently, a fascinating study from the University of South Australia caught our attention. This study highlights just how essential magnesium is for maintaining overall health and preventing a range of chronic conditions.
Read MoreThe BioMats are filled with Tourmaline and Amethyst crystals and have a flexible heating plate (originally developed by NASA for heating space vehicles) inside.
Read MoreWith so many involved now in the war in the Middle East and Veterans Day now approaching, we are reminded that after selflessly serving their country many American military personnel are left suffering from the effects of stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Western medicine often treats it with expensive, time consuming, and potentially ineffective drugs with addictive and unwanted side effects.
Read MoreAcupuncture is a cost-effective and safe treatment modality for the alleviation or elimination of migraine headaches. Findings report that acupuncture reduces the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraine attacks. Research indicates that patients receiving acupuncture are also less prone to secondary anxiety attacks and depression.
Read MoreMany people in our area are about to begin experiencing an increase in their level of chronic pain. I’ll tell you why...
Read MoreWhat is a Unicorn Treatment you say? it’s a magical acupuncture session that miraculously cures the patient's chief complaint in a single session, and it never comes back! Rare and mythical-in-nature like the creature they’re named after, they do happen. More commonly, however, patients come in for a series of treatments over time and this therapeutic approach ensures their core health issues resolve and stay that way.
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