Fertility & IVF/IUI Support with Acupuncture

Dramatically Increase Success Rates Reduce Pain & Increase Vitality.

Are You or Your Partner Suffering from Infertility? You are not alone. About 1 in 8 couples trying to have a baby struggle with infertility.

Acupuncture not only helps the body get ready to be pregnant but helps women relax and de-stress, so their bodies can become pregnant more easily.  Stress causes the sympathetic nervous system to be overstimulated causing blood flow to be diverted away from the ovaries and uterus to the adrenals instead and contributes to a potential inability to become pregnant.

Acupuncture helps many women get pregnant with or without the additional use of assisted fertility methods such as IUI or IVF.  Dr Aylee has years of experience treating women who are using IUI, IVF and embryo transfer in conjunction with acupuncture with great success.

For women trying to get pregnant, acupuncture and herbal medicine support conception by boosting blood flow to the pelvic organs, providing them with better nourishment, normalizing FSH levels, balancing estrogen and progesterone levels, increasing follicle size and improving and strengthening the lining of the uterus; therefore, promoting conception and a healthy, full-term pregnancy.

Modern healthcare has expanded the array of options available with fertility drugs, surgery, IUI, IVF, and donor eggs and embryos. Unfortunately, these solutions alone don’t always succeed on their own and are extremely expensive. In accordance with current research, the top experts in fertility now suggest that hopeful parents couple acupuncture with their approach.

How Does it Work?

  • Balances hormonal cycles

  • Improves fertile cervical mucus, ovarian function, and blood flow to the ovaries and uterus.

  • Reduces miscarriages.

  • Lessens uterine contractions after embryo transfer and side effects of medications.

  • Thickens the uterine wall lining, sperm parameters, and the quality of oocytes.

Side Effects of Clomid

Many women use Clomid to help promote ovulation during IUI.  However, Clomid often causes the uterine lining to become thin, which is detrimental to becoming pregnant.  Acupuncture can help the uterine lining to thicken and become more uniform by way of increased blood flow to the uterine arteries which then aids in the ability to get pregnant.

Getting Started

At the first visit, we will ask questions about your lifestyle and your fertility concerns. Then, we will develop a comprehensive treatment plan customized to your concerns.

The procedures are quick and painless, you’re in and out of the office in about 30 minutes. Our clinic has an excellent success rate in treating infertility and we’d love to help you too!